Travis J. Williams
Advancing Quantum Materials using neutrons
Curriculum Vitae
Recent Research Highlights

Report from the Inaugural Meeting on the Opportunities at the Seems Facility June 11–12, 2019
B.W. Riemer, C.R. dela Cruz and T.J. Williams. ORNL Report TM-2019/1441. January 2020.

Revisiting the Kitaev Material Candidacy of Ir4+ Double Perovskite Iridates
A.A. Aczel, J.P. Clancy, Q. Chen, H.D. Zhou, D. Reig-i-Plessis, G.J. MacDougall, J.P.C. Ruff, M.H. Upton, Z. Islam, T.J. Williams, S. Calder and J.-Q. Yan. (2019). Phys. Rev. B. 99, 134417.

Extended exchange interactions stabilize long-period magnetic structures in Cr1/3NbS2
A.A. Aczel, L.S. DeBeer-Schmitt, T.J. Williams, M.A. McGuire, N. Ghimire, L. Li and D. Mandrus. (2018). Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 032404.

Evolution of Magnetic and Orbital Properties in the Magnetically-Diluted A-Site Spinel Cu1-xZnxRh2O4
A.V. Zakrzewski, S. Gangopadhyay, G.J. MacDougall, A.A. Aczel, S.H. Calder and T.J. Williams. (2018). Phys. Rev. B. 97, 214411.

Gapped Excitations in the High-Pressure Antiferromagnetic Phase of URu2Si2
T.J. Williams, H. Barath, Z. Yamani, J.A. Rodriguez-Riviera, J.B. Leao, J.D. Garrett, G.M. Luke, W.J.L. Buyers and C. Broholm. (2017). Physical Review B. 95, 195171.

Hidden Order Signatures in the Antiferromagnetic Phase of U(Ru1-xFex)2Si2
T.J. Williams, M.N. Wilson, A.A. Aczel, M.B. Stone and G.M. Luke. (2017). Physical Review B. 95, 104440.