MANTA: Multi-Analyzer Neutron Triple Axis

The Multi Analyzer Neutron Triple-Axis (MANTA) instrument will provide critically needed, world leading capabilities for cold neutron spectroscopy for the quantum materials community. As a world-class cold triple axis spectrometer at HFIR, it will facilitate unique low-energy neutron spectroscopy experiments, capabilities that are highly in demand by the quantum materials community. MANTA is part of the planned HFIR beryllium reflector replacement project, so will come online with the completion of that project.

Phase I of the project will upgrade the primary spectrometer, adding a neutron velocity selector and incident beam polarization.  The current CTAX secondary spectrometer will be re-located to the MANTA guide for use as a conventional cold-neutron triple axis instrument. Phase II of MANTA will introduce an interchangeable multi-analyzer backend and will add spherical neutron polarimetry and Wollaston prism capabilities to the instrument that will be compatible with the single detector backend.

Key Instrument Parameters

Incident Wavelength range

Incident Energy Range

Energy Resolution


Velocity Selector

Incident Beam polarization

Beam size



Final Energy Range

1.8 Å ≤ λ ≤ 5.7 Å

2.8 meV ≤ Ei ≤ 25 meV

0.09 to 1.0 meV (FWHM) depending on Ei and collimation

Double-focusing PG(002)

Yes, broad wavelength for higher-order elimination

Yes, v-cavity on horizontal translation

25mm x 25mm at the sample position

Single-detector backend: Vertically-focusing PG(002); Multi-analyzer: TBD

Single-detector backend: Single He-3 detector; Multi-analyzer: TBD

3.0 meV ≤ Ef ≤ 20 meV

MANTA is approved and funded for Phase I through the ORNL HBRR project.  The instrument design is currently in progress, but if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me here.

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